
Calculate N-dimensional time/frequency spectra.


Helper functions#

pws_autospan(pws[, margin, conv])

Return min/max pump/probe frequencies from pws.

aligned_fs(fsmin, fsmax, df)

Return smallest df-spaced zero-offset grid of values covering [fsmin, fsmax] range.

time_integral(P, frep, w, tp)

Squared time-integral of the electric field at the peak.

conc(p, T[, unit])

Concentration in 1/m^3 from pressure and temp.

amp_to_abscoeff(amp2d, probes, E12, conc)

Convert raw pathway amplitude to abs.

Nonlinear response#

leaf_term(nu, gam, coord, domain)

Return either time or frequency domain response.

dressed_leaf_response(dl, coords, domains[, ...])

Calculate response for a single DressedLeaf.

run_mixed_axes(dpws, params)

Prepare mixed time/frequency axes params.

run_propagate(dpws, params)

Calculate mixed time/frequency resposne.

run_save(path, fs_pu, fs_pr, spec2d[, metadata])

Save calculated 2D spectrum or time-domain response.


Load calculated 2D spectrum.


Update spectrum metadata from file if needed.


Update spectrum metadata if needed.