
gen_pathways(jiter, meths=None, rotor='linear', kiter_func=None, pump_overlap=False, initial='ket')[source]#

Generate multiple excitation trees, filter them and retain resonant ones.

  • jiter (Iterable) – An iterable of J values.

  • meths (Sequence[Callable] | None) – Each callable in the list must take a KetBra argument and return a KetBra.

  • rotor (str) – Either ‘linear’ for DiatomState or ‘symmetric’ for SymTopState molecular states.

  • kiter_func (str | None) – Python expression evaluating to an iterable over K states. The expression is evaluated in an environment with j bound to current J value.

  • pump_overlap (bool) – Generate additional pathways with reversed time ordering of first two interactions.

  • initial (str) – Start with ‘ket’ or ‘bra’ excitation.


List of roots of the excitation trees.

Return type:
